Sunday, July 7, 2013

More Firework Tips

    Store fireworks in a cool, dry place
    Always read and follow the directions on the label
    Always have an adult present when handling fireworks
      Use fireworks outdoors in a safe, non-wooden area
    Having a working garden hose or bucket of water handy
    Keep everyone a safe distance away from fireworks
    Never re-ignite a firework that doesn’t light the first time or one that has finished its display
    Never carry fireworks in your pocket
    Don’t throw fireworks at anything
    Keep pets indoors and away from fireworks
    Never shoot fireworks in metal or glass containers
    Keep spectators at a safe distance
    Always wear safety glasses when igniting fireworks

    Never place any part of your body that you aren't willing to lose, over a mortar tube.
    Never look directly into a mortar tube to check it.
    If possible, avoid reloading mortar tubes that have just been fired. If you must reload a mortar tube that has recently been fired, turn the tube upside down first to dump out any hot debris that may be remaining in the bottom before reloading it.
    The paper mortar tubes that are supplied with many shell kits should only be used with the number of shells that were originally contained in the kit. Fiberglass and black HDPE (high-density polyethylene) mortars are much stronger and longer lasting and should be used whenever possible.

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