Thursday, March 7, 2013

Artillery Shell Safety

All right guys here are your safety tip for this week. We will be talking about artillery shells, also known as reloadable shells. When you are placing the shells in the tube make sure you are putting them in with the top up. How do you do that? Well there are different ways to tell if the shell is in right. On ball shells the fat part of the shells goes towards the top and the skinny part goes towards the bottom of the tube. On most ball shells the fuse will come out of the bottom of the shell and loop up to the top through a string. Where the fuse comes out make sure that part is on the bottom. On most canister shells it is much easier to tell the top from the bottom. When you are looking at a canister shell the fuse will come out of the top of the shell. So when you are putting the shell in the mortar tube make sure that part is towards the top of the tube. Next week we will be talking mortar tubes so stay tuned.
Happy shooting
Be safe

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