Friday, March 15, 2013

Firework Mortar Tube Info

Mortars are the tubes with plugged ends that fireworks shells, comets or mines are fired from.
Mortars can be made of HDPE plastic, fiberglass, paper, or in some special cases, metal.
The mortars need to be secured in an upright and safe position.
This can be done by burying the mortars (guns) about 2/3 of their length in the ground.
Smaller mortars can be securely held in place in racks, either perpendicularly or at an angle.
The racks can be constructed of wood.
       There are two sizes for consumer mortars DR-9 (1.81" ID) and a DR-11 (1.91" ID). The DR11 mortars are the most common size and can be used with all consumer shells. The DR9 is used for festival balls
        Fireworks that are launched into the air typically are fired out of mortar tubes. Many tubes that come with consumer fireworks are not reusable or are made out of flimsy cardboard. This is why many pyrotechnic enthusiasts use mortar tubes made from HDPE .
High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) is the safest material you can use when making mortars for fireworks. While the HDPE tubing itself offers durability and has the ability to withstand higher levels of shock and heat.

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