Thursday, March 7, 2013

Firework Cake Safety (200 gram 500 gram)

Alright your firework saftey tip. When you are shooting any kind of cake 200 gram or 500 gram make sure that it is secured or supported so that it won't fall over. If you have more then one cake you can use duct tape to tape them all together so that they are secure. Make sure that you place the cake on a hard surface. This can help support it. A good way to support a single cake is to place a brick, rock or somthing similar on each side of the cake to help hold it up right. Another good way that I use, is to use liquid nails heavy duty adhesive to hold the cake to the plywood. You do this by first cutting the paper off the bottom of the cake. Then you apply the HEAVY DUTY liquid nails to the bottom of the cake. After that is done you place the cake on the plywood and you let it sit and dry. Make sure you use the HEAVY DUTY liquid nails because the other kinds are not strong enough to hold the cake down to the plywood.

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