Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What Is The Legal Size For Class C Fireworks

What is the maximum amount of  composition material in a Class C Firework
The legal limit of explosive material in a consumer ( Class C) firework is 60 grams of composition. Any item containing more than 60 grams is illegal and should be avoided. It really doesn't matter what the diameter of the item is.
How can I recognize an illegal firework?
Look for a manufacturer's name on each item or on the box in which they were packaged. Each device should also list instructions for proper use and have cautionary labeling. The manufacturer's name and cautionary labeling are required by law. Fireworks without this information are probably illegal. You should avoid all fireworks like this.
 M-80s, M-100s, and silver salutes are some examples of illegal explosives, sometimes referred to by the press as legal, consumer fireworks. These items are extremely dangerous. NEVER attempt to make your own fireworks if you do not know what you are doing. Do not tamper with legal consumer fireworks. Be extremely careful when ordering fireworks over the Internet. If you do use the Internet to get your fireworks be sure that you are purchasing from a legal vendor.

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