Sunday, March 31, 2013

HDPE Firework Mortar Tube With Base.

Our HDPE firework mortar tube with base is perfect for the new pyro. If you are new the to fireworks hobby just adding these HDPE firework mortar tubes can make your show safer. All our tubes come with a 1.5" plug. The plugs are pressed in and held in with 4 staples. The firework mortar tube  is made of HDPE. The mortar tube comes with a big strong base for added stability.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

What Mortar Tubes Should I Buy

What mortars should I buy?
There are two sizes for consumer Fireworks DR-9 (1.81" ID) and DR11 1.91" ID). The DR 11 mortars are the most common size and can be used with all 1.75" consumer mortar shells. The DR9 is used for festival balls.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Why Use HDPE For Firework Mortar Tubes

HDPE is the safest material to use for making firework mortars. It is tough, and can take a lot of abuse and firings, and can last a lifetime. If a fireworks shell explodes in an HDPE mortar, there are few, if any, sharp-edged pieces of shrapnel to injure people. That's because HDPE doesn't shatter--it shreds and tears. ManM Fireworks mortar tubes are plugged with a 2 inch thick wooden plug.
More Hints and Tips to come

How Long Will My Firework Mortar Tubes Last

Your mortar tubes should last a life time. You may have to replace the plug lated down the road ,but the mortar tubes should last a life time.
More Hints and Tips To Come

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

How To Fuse Firework Shells Together

Safety Tips

1. Never smoke when handling chemicals or compositions.
2. Be sure you are familiar with all the properties of the compositions you work with. Find out as much as      you can about other people’s experiences with a particular mixture.
3. Use only non-sparking tools. Make your tools from either: wood, paper, aluminum, lead or brass. Other metals and materials may spark (especially steel will).
4. Paper bags or wooden containers are good to use for storing mixed compositions. Store compositions dry and cool. Avoid plastics, glass and metal. Avoid storing compositions in general.
   Make as much as you will need in the near future and keep no more in stock than necessary.
 5. Never have large amounts of composition near you. If you must use larger amounts of composition in multiple items, store the bulk
of composition in a safe place and bring only small amounts to your working place. Finished items should also be brought to a safe place immediately

Monday, March 18, 2013

Firework Mortar Tube

Firework Safety

1. Never allow young children to play with or ignite fireworks.
2. Avoid buying fireworks that are packaged in brown paper because this is often a sign that the fireworks were made for professional displays or homemade.
3. Always have an adult supervise firework activities. Parents don't realize that young children suffer injuries from sparklers. Sparklers burn at temperatures of about 2,000 degrees.
4. Never place any part of your body directly over a fireworks device when lighting the fuse. Back up to a safe distance immediately after lighting fireworks.
5. Never try to re-light or pick up fireworks that have not ignited fully.
6. Never point or throw fireworks at another person.
7. Keep a bucket of water or a garden hose handy in case of fire.
8. After fireworks complete their burning, douse the spent device with plenty of water from a bucket or hose before discarding it to prevent a trash fire.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Firework Mortar Tube Info

Mortars are the tubes with plugged ends that fireworks shells, comets or mines are fired from.
Mortars can be made of HDPE plastic, fiberglass, paper, or in some special cases, metal.
The mortars need to be secured in an upright and safe position.
This can be done by burying the mortars (guns) about 2/3 of their length in the ground.
Smaller mortars can be securely held in place in racks, either perpendicularly or at an angle.
The racks can be constructed of wood.
       There are two sizes for consumer mortars DR-9 (1.81" ID) and a DR-11 (1.91" ID). The DR11 mortars are the most common size and can be used with all consumer shells. The DR9 is used for festival balls
        Fireworks that are launched into the air typically are fired out of mortar tubes. Many tubes that come with consumer fireworks are not reusable or are made out of flimsy cardboard. This is why many pyrotechnic enthusiasts use mortar tubes made from HDPE .
High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) is the safest material you can use when making mortars for fireworks. While the HDPE tubing itself offers durability and has the ability to withstand higher levels of shock and heat.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Phantom Fireworks Fuse Demo

Phantom fireworks fuse test. We got some fuse from phantom and wanted to do a demo to show everyone. So click the link and check it out. Please like and subscribe.

Fusing Tips

Here are some tips on fusing shells together.
  1. Cut the fuse going to the shell on an angle.
  2. Attach the fuse to the main fuse so that it is going in the same direction as the fire.
  3. Attach the fuse with masking tape or a paper like tape.
(I use zip ties and masking tape when fusing my shells together.)
       4. Make sure on canister shells the fuse is on the top of the shell when you are putting it in the tube.
       5 On ball shells make sure the fat part of the shell is toward the top of the tube.
       6. Look at the shell and make sure that nothing has been tampered with. If you notice it has been tampered with do not use.

What Is The Legal Size For Class C Fireworks

What is the maximum amount of  composition material in a Class C Firework
The legal limit of explosive material in a consumer ( Class C) firework is 60 grams of composition. Any item containing more than 60 grams is illegal and should be avoided. It really doesn't matter what the diameter of the item is.
How can I recognize an illegal firework?
Look for a manufacturer's name on each item or on the box in which they were packaged. Each device should also list instructions for proper use and have cautionary labeling. The manufacturer's name and cautionary labeling are required by law. Fireworks without this information are probably illegal. You should avoid all fireworks like this.
 M-80s, M-100s, and silver salutes are some examples of illegal explosives, sometimes referred to by the press as legal, consumer fireworks. These items are extremely dangerous. NEVER attempt to make your own fireworks if you do not know what you are doing. Do not tamper with legal consumer fireworks. Be extremely careful when ordering fireworks over the Internet. If you do use the Internet to get your fireworks be sure that you are purchasing from a legal vendor.

Friday, March 8, 2013

8" Or 12" Firework Mortar Tubes

Should I use 8” or 12” firework mortar tubes for mine shells? You can use either 8” or 12” tubes if you use an 8” tube the mine shell will have a wider break when it leaves the firework mortar tube, but if you already have 12” mortar tubes you can use them. The break just won’t be as wide with a 12” tube verses an 8” mortar tube. Hope theses helps all you pyros.
Thanks for reading

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Firework Cake Safety (200 gram 500 gram)

Alright your firework saftey tip. When you are shooting any kind of cake 200 gram or 500 gram make sure that it is secured or supported so that it won't fall over. If you have more then one cake you can use duct tape to tape them all together so that they are secure. Make sure that you place the cake on a hard surface. This can help support it. A good way to support a single cake is to place a brick, rock or somthing similar on each side of the cake to help hold it up right. Another good way that I use, is to use liquid nails heavy duty adhesive to hold the cake to the plywood. You do this by first cutting the paper off the bottom of the cake. Then you apply the HEAVY DUTY liquid nails to the bottom of the cake. After that is done you place the cake on the plywood and you let it sit and dry. Make sure you use the HEAVY DUTY liquid nails because the other kinds are not strong enough to hold the cake down to the plywood.

Artillery Shell Safety

All right guys here are your safety tip for this week. We will be talking about artillery shells, also known as reloadable shells. When you are placing the shells in the tube make sure you are putting them in with the top up. How do you do that? Well there are different ways to tell if the shell is in right. On ball shells the fat part of the shells goes towards the top and the skinny part goes towards the bottom of the tube. On most ball shells the fuse will come out of the bottom of the shell and loop up to the top through a string. Where the fuse comes out make sure that part is on the bottom. On most canister shells it is much easier to tell the top from the bottom. When you are looking at a canister shell the fuse will come out of the top of the shell. So when you are putting the shell in the mortar tube make sure that part is towards the top of the tube. Next week we will be talking mortar tubes so stay tuned.
Happy shooting
Be safe

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

What size Mortar Tube Is Right For Me

What size mortar tube should I buy 15" or 12"? Well you should buy 12". Why should I use 12" tubes? There are alot of shells out there that the fuse is only long enough for a 12" tube. You could put those shells in a 15" tube, but it is more difficult to fuse the shells together. People say that the shells go higher if you use a 15" tube. We have used both size tubes. We do not see any difference in how high the shells go in the air. We do find it much easier to work with 12" tubes. All the fuse on your shells will work with 12" tubes. Your shells will go just as high with a 12". The biggest thing is that you will save money when you buy 12" tubes.
This is just our opinion. We hope this helps all you guys that have questions about what size tubes to use.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

ManM Fireworks Is On YouTube

ManM Fireworks is on youtube. Head over to and take a look at some over our products. If you see any thing you like it can be found at If you have any questions please email us at

Be Safe